
Gosh, its been four month since my last post in blogspot.  Yes I admit I am slowly becoming in active to blogging compared to my younger days.  24 jam kau ber blogging.

So far I have two blogs.  The first one was made in 2008, but that one has remained inactive for so long. I do not have the login credentials anymore because it was not made using my email address. After that I created a new blog, kira kira macam new life la gitu kan. So, this second blog is my current, active an ONLY blog I have.

Talking about new life, I created this new blog due to urgent circumstances back in 2009.  I couldn't delete the old blog hence the old blog still exist in the internet till today. Its quite annoying but heck, live and move forward kan :D

The new blog was created just a month before I knew my husband.  Have to thank his friend for introducing me to him via facebook.  Long story short, he persuaded me to comment on this girls facebook as she was bashing my islam religion.  And coincidentally my husband was invited to participate as well. Ooohhh my husband's facebook that time was SUPER private! No profile picture and you couldn't even add him on his own facebook! mystery mystery~

And so, after a heated debate with the girl, since I am obviously straight forward, I mentioned in one of my comment that I wanted to add as a friend on my husband's facebook but it was private and I couldn't add him.  The next thing I know, he added me in facebook.  So we DM in facebook, gave him my YM ID (Back then YM kan very famous :D) and he added me in YM.  So we had our very first personal chat in YM.  I was in my room in KK that time.

Well I was soooo curious on how he looked like. He still insists on not putting his picture in his Facebook profile.  After 2 weeks of YM-ing him, alas, he uploaded his picture in facebook as his profile picture.  Tapi, Apa paedah! Gambar muka tapi mata tutup! Buh!! hahahaha

Tapi dari sana, nampak la hidung dia yang mancung tu, muka tirus dia, and rambut kiut dia tu.  Terpersona juga la tengok.  But, I am still unsatisfied with the picture.  Kept on communicating on YM as normal with him, sharing info about myself, he shared things with me. After 2 weeks, he uploaded a new profile picture in his facebook, this time, Gambar separuh badan tapi Side face jak. Lagi! Apa Paedah!! hahahaha

That time, memang nampak betul hidung mancung nya tu.  I was thinking to myself that maybe he is a mix mat salleh, but no, he has that strong Chinese look and a hint of his Malay Jawa facial from his mom.

Again, He looks damn fine even for a side face picture. :D hahahaha

And so, after a month of knowing him through facebook, and YM-ing, at last, it was time for me to go back to KL to start my second semester Degree in UITM Puncak Alam (I hate this University) and to finally meet him! My first date with him was on December 23 2009, met him First time in Kinokuniya KLCC. And we stroll the KLCC garden. Not that Ideal, but, back then, still a student, so that is the only place that is convenient :D hahaha It was fun, no less, and it was memorable.  Every now and then, every time I went to the KLCC park, I will always have this nostalgic feeling, because it was the place where I first dated my husband, first kiss pun di sana. hehehehehe (Too much info, diam la kau!)

And so, yes, after almost 5 years of being together, we decided to tie the knot on the 12th of September 2014. Previously I hated September, but now, I LOVE September :D

So yea, still counting, this year would be our 8th year together and 3 years of being married :)

That say, I am looking forward for a long prosperous relationship and In Sha Allah, hingga ke Jannah. Amin!

Till Then,
Stay Tune


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